
The BOTTLETOP FOUNDATION empowers disadvantaged young people to take control of their lives through health education and vocational training projects, in turn supporting their wider communities.


Our vision

We want young people worldwide to be equipped with the necessary health education, transferable skills and self-confidence to make healthy, informed choices and achieve their full potential.

Creativity is central to the BOTTLETOP FOUNDATION and we aim to support projects that take a creative approach to addressing adolescent health issues in their communities. We do this through projects that use film, youth newspapers, drama music and peer education to engage young people.


What we do

We tackle sensitive issues including the prevention of HIV/AIDS, unplanned teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, gender inequality, low self-esteem and vocational skills deficits through creative projects, using film, youth newspapers, drama, music and peer education to engage young people.

We work with grassroots organisations operating hand in hand with local culture, and partner with them at a critical, early stage of their development, with the aim of supporting them to become sustainable.


Why it works

The running costs of the foundation are covered by BOTTLETOP, enabling 100% of additional funds raised to be spent on empowering young people and their communities.

We aim to fund each of our partner projects for a minimum of three years, and to offer supplementary support and guidance to our partner organisations where possible.

We select our projects based upon their demonstrated potential to equip young people with the skills and attitudes to be agents of change in their own lives and their wider communities.